January 23, 2016
Happy to say that people seem to really like the book. So far, all 5 star reviews!
If you haven’t had a chance to give a review, it would be great if you could on Amazon!
Stefan Mischook

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August 6, 2015
Hi! On page 16 of my book, I suggested FileZilla as a possible choice for an FTP app – please note: DON’T DOWNLOAD FILEZILLA! … I have sinse found out that it can be infected with adware. This is basically malicious add software, that is really annoying. I would suggest using FireFTP instead, or any …
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August 5, 2015

You can find the source code for the examples covered in the book here:
Download: book source code
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July 27, 2015
Hi, If you have any questions about things covered in the book, or otherwise, please feel free to contact me: stefan(at) Thanks! Stefan
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June 26, 2015
Hi! So I have confirmation that the North American edition of Web Design Start Here will be out August 1st. Timing is great! There couldn’t have been better timing to write a web design book! Why? Because just in the last 1-2 yrs, the techniques and technology behind web design (web browsers, HTML5, CSS and …
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June 22, 2015
Hi, So it seems my book has two different titles. In the UK, it is called ‘Web Design Start Here’ and in North America it’s called ‘Build your Website Now – Start Here!’. … I am not sure why, but I guess the powers that be, decided that different titles made sense on each side …
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June 22, 2015
The UK edition of my web design book is now available:
Web Design Start Here!
… But you have to read it with a British accent.
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