Studioweb: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP video based curriculum for the classroom learn more
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The book is NOW out – buy it now! If you already bought the book, thanks! If you like the book, please review it on amazon. Thanks again!
I will be posting updates to the book, support videos and excerpts from the chapters fairly soon.
Stefan Mischook
Latest Blog Posts
Sticky post: Source Code for the Book
August 5, 2015
You can find the source code for the examples covered in the book here:
Download: book source code
Teaching Code in the Classroom – my TV interview!
March 24, 2017
I finally got around to getting this video of me on television, talking about the importance of students learning to code. It comes down to two big reasons:
1. A huge number of high paying jobs in programming and coding.
2. Brain training: learning to code is like pushups for the mind!Watch my interview to learn more:
If you want to learn more about learning or teaching code, check out
Stefan Mischook
Tips in Starting a Web Development Business in 2017
March 16, 2017
Web development is a moving target as technology changes. So what are the skills you need to start a web development business in 2017?
You can watch my video that talks you through it:
If you want to learn even more cool web design and development not covered in my book, check out my super popular interactive developer courses:
Stefan Mischook
My book is getting unanimous 5 star reviews!
January 23, 2016
Happy to say that people seem to really like the book. So far, all 5 star reviews!
If you haven’t had a chance to give a review, it would be great if you could on Amazon!
Stefan Mischook